As humans we waste a lot of times doing stupid things that humans before us decided were important. AI assistants give us the opportunity to put information through a socially acceptable filter and produce something that, from extremely raw and plain facts, can be exactly what is EXPECTED from us by superiors.
Meaning... I would normally email. "Ok, here's what you wanted." But using AI assisted email development (as a very, very, very basic use for the AI), I can craft an email that sounds much more professional and addresses talking points from the email where the work was requested.
Do I think I should have to write in a way that fits some weird social norm at work? NO. Is there a culture that dictates the quality of my work by how well I mask in social situations to meet stupid rules someone made up a long time ago? Also yes.
My point is - no ones job is being removed because I'm using AI, but my tolerance for bullshit is a lot higher now. Haha