Gatekeepers Fear TikTok: An Opportunity to Change Agenda-Setting Traditions

Kelly Turner
4 min readApr 6, 2023


Those who hadn’t already become familiar with the popular social networking app TikTok have learned a lot about it in the news in the last few months. Country leaders and media outlets are calling for a ban on the application, citing issues with safety and privacy. But what might be behind these accusations (besides some truth) and why would world leaders be so scared of a social media application?

My theory is that TikTok is causing a shift in power that has left some world leaders concerned that they will no longer have the same control.

TikTok’s Fight with Big Media

While other social media platforms could have similar impacts, we’ll focus on TikTok specifically because of its prevalence in headlines today.

The rise of social media platforms like TikTok has disrupted traditional media channels and the way information is consumed. There is a Communications 101 term that is important for you to know in this conversation: Agenda Setting.

This theory posits that the media has a significant influence on public opinion by choosing which stories to cover and the prominence given to each of those stories. This allows the media to shape the public’s perception of what issues are important. Traditional media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, have long been gatekeepers in determining which topics receive attention.

Agenda Setting Graphic Linked Below

Now, with TikTok and other media that allow important topics to come to the surface organically through increased interest from users, it is obvious that the power dynamics in the media landscape are shifting (click to enlarge graphic.)

As you can see in the graphic above, where those with financial power previously were the primary influence over agendas in the media, public, and policy — now TikTok and other social media platforms have developed a strong influence by using social networking to share personal experiences and impact real-world indicators of the importance of an agenda issue or event.

TikTok As Democratization of Messaging

Content creation and dissemination have become increasingly democratized, empowering ordinary individuals to share their own perspectives, stories, and experiences. TikTok, in particular, fosters this organic approach to content creation by connecting people with similar interests through hashtags, key phrases, and algorithmic suggestions (that are sometimes creepy, I must admit.)

This democratization has the potential to challenge traditional media’s agenda-setting role, leading to a more informed and engaged society. As a result, public discourse expands to encompass topics that may not have received attention in traditional media, allowing individuals to shape global conversations. This shift fosters a more inclusive and diverse society that values voices from all levels.

The power shift from traditional gatekeepers to individuals is facilitated by the “public court” of likes, shares, and engagements on social media platforms like TikTok. This democratization of access to information and influence over public opinion underscores the importance of prioritizing media and digital literacy education for new generations, ensuring they can navigate this evolving landscape responsibly.

A Need for Digital Literacy

To fully harness the potential of social networking as agenda setting, we have to become better at it as individuals. We have to create more informed, engaged, and inclusive societies. And we must prioritize digital literacy education.

Unfortunately, calls for digital literacy often fall on deaf ears. One might speculate that traditional gatekeepers – media, educators, and government – do not stand to benefit from a population of skilled content creators and influential agenda-setters. Empowering future generations with critical thinking, discernment of reliable sources, and awareness of biases and misinformation would enable them to confidently and responsibly navigate the complex digital landscape. However, this may not align with the interests of those who currently hold power in traditional media and other institutions.

To challenge this status quo, we must continue advocating for digital literacy and emphasize its importance in shaping a more democratic and participatory society. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the voices of individuals from all walks of life can be heard and valued in the ever-evolving digital age.

Note: It is critical that we also remain vigilant about the challenges that come from these platforms. Misinformation, echo chambers, and potential manipulation of content lead to harmful outcomes. However, by promoting media literacy and fostering critical thinking among users, we can harness the potential of these platforms while mitigating their risks and ensuring a healthier and more equitable system for all.



Kelly Turner
Kelly Turner

Written by Kelly Turner

American writer exploring the intersection of human experience & tech. Passionate about using words wisely to empower change.

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